For years, Guild Wars 2 has developed a sense of collaboration and community within the general PvE community, which welcomes players of all skill levels. This is one of the basic principles of my decision to make Guild Wars 2 an MMO that I keep coming back to.
ArenaNet has chosen to open content and guilds from the beginning, so that players can interact with many different groups instead of being stuck in one. Although the community still enjoys an excellent reputation for online games, it seems that many players have become angry over the years.
The creation of Guild Wars 2 was a unique platform for inclusion. The world was huge and all important events were treated as something that all players could experience immediately. The main problems were the exploratory dungeons and perhaps the unexplained disparity in structured PvP.
It was very easy to find the roses in the new universe inherited from Guild Wars 2. Then, the thorns came out of the thorns, the heart of the thorns. It was not the first leap in the supremacy of the PvE players, but it was essentially the nail that brought the coffin to the original sense of brotherhood among the great PvP players in terms of greater inclusion of the game.
I am the first to say that GW2 is fantastic in the use of occasional mechanisms to allow players with all kinds of time constraints to reach the greatest number of targets. Before Heart of Thorns, it was normal for even the most casual player to follow and share most of the content. Suddenly, new specializations and new championships appeared. Bosses needed very special mechanisms, but it was interesting to note that raids and maps such as Dragon's Stand and Auric Basin required coordination and, in many cases, very specialized construction or skills.
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